National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce
Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador

The Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador™ program is the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) effort to formally recognize NOAA partners who are improving the nation’s readiness, responsiveness, and overall resilience against extreme weather, water, and climate events. As a WRN Ambassador, partners work with NOAA and other Ambassadors to increase community engagement and strengthen national resilience. In effect, the WRN Ambassador program helps unify the efforts across government, non-profits, academia, and private industry. Weather-Ready Nation (WRN) is a strategic outcome where society’s response should be equal to the risk from all extreme weather, water, and climate hazards.

WRN Ambassadors serve as change agents and leaders in their community. They inspire others to be better informed and prepared, thus helping to minimize, mitigate, or avoid the impacts of natural disasters. WRN Ambassadors can encourage these changes in their community in a number of ways, including:

  • Setting an example by becoming “weather-ready” yourself (e.g., making employee preparedness a priority and having a disaster plan);
  • Promoting Weather-Ready Nation key messages in your outreach activities;
  • Providing incentives to your constituents and stakeholders to become more resilient;
  • Advancing outreach to vulnerable communities; and
  • Sharing success stories with NOAA.

To support your efforts, NOAA will:

  • Provide outreach content about creating a Weather-Ready Nation;
  • Work with WRN Ambassadors to explore innovative collaborations to promote disaster preparedness and incorporate weather, water, and climate information in decision-making;
  • Assist with StormReady®/TsunamiReady™ opportunities for communities;
  • Recognize your organization as a WRN Ambassador; and
  • Share the WRN Ambassador logo for your use.

Building a Weather-Ready Nation requires more than government alone. It requires bringing together organizations of all kinds that want to be part of the solution. We must involve everyone in an effort to move people – and society – toward heeding warnings, taking action, and influencing their circles of family, friends, and social network to act appropriately. The WRN Ambassador program is the connecting hub of a vast network of federal, state, and local government agencies; emergency managers and city planners; researchers, the media; the insurance industry; nonprofit organizations; the private sector; and many others who are working together to address the impacts of extreme weather on daily life.

How to Become a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador
Any organization across all levels of government, businesses large and small, non-profit and non-governmental organizations, and academia can become a WRN Ambassador. The WRN Ambassador program is intended for organizations and designed to help serve the public by strengthening our national resilience against extreme weather events.

Apply to Become a Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador.

For More Information:

Read the Weather-Ready Nation Ambassador FAQ to learn more and get your questions answered.If you have further questions, email NOAA’s Weather-Ready Nation team at [email protected].