National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

This Independence Holiday will be Hot with Storms to Monitor

Record breaking heat wave will continue to affect much of the western United States through this holiday weekend. The heat also lingers for the lower Mississippi Valley and Southern Plains, then shifts over the mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Severe weather and flooding concerns through today for the Midwest, Ohio Valley, and Southern Plains. We continue to closely watch the track of Hurricane Beryl. Read More >

Upper Air Observations

Decoded Upper Level Winds

Plotted Upper Air Soundings

GOES Derived Atmospheric Vertical Soundings

Alternate Sources for Upper Air Soundings
Ohio State

California Wind Profiler Data Can be Found Here

Why Do Forecasters Still Rely on Weather Balloons?

Twice every day, from nearly 100 locations in the United States, the National Weather Service launches weather balloons, carrying instrument packages called radiosondes. Radiosonde sensors measure upper-air conditions such as atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity, wind speed and direction. The data is important for aviation safety, and meteorologists use radiosonde information to prepare weather forecasts.