National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

Northern Indiana Fire Weather Page

National Weather Service Products

IWX Products

Annual Operating Plans

Storm Prediction Center Fire Weather Products

Day 1 Fire Weather Outlook

Day 2 Fire Weather Outlook

Day 3 to 8 Outlook


National Fire Weather Page

Government Partners

Eastern Area Coordination Center (EACC)

Graphics from WFAS (Links lead to information on Using the Graphic)


Observed/Computed 10 Hour Fuel Moisture

Observed/Computed 100 Hour Fuel Moisture

Observed Fire Danger Class

Forecast 10 Hour Fuel Moisture

Forecast 100 Hour Fuel Moisture

Forecast Fire Danger Class

Haines Index

Haines Index

Observed Winds/Precip/Temperature/RH

Forecast Winds/Precip/Temperature/RH

Keetch-Byran Drought Index

Live Fuel Moisture



Please direct any feedback on this page to the Northern Indiana Fire Weather Program Leader


 05/19/23  RC