National Weather Service United States Department of Commerce

CoCoRaHS in North Carolina


Residents of North Carolina are encouraged to participate as volunteer weather observers by measuring rain, snow and hail through the CoCoRaHS Program.

So, what is CoCoRaHS?

CoCoRaHS began at the Colorado Climate Center at Colorado State University in 1998 in response to the damaging Fort Collins flood in 1997. North Carolina became the 21st state to join the CoCoRaHS network in September 2007. Roughly 400 volunteer observers consistently report their daily precipitation across North Carolina.

CoCoRaHS stands for Community Collaborative Rain, Hail and Snow Network.


How can I help?


The CoCoRaHS network is looking for enthusiastic volunteers to report rainfall, snowfall and hail information. You can let the National Weather Service, media, researchers, farmers, emergency managers and a wide range of other users know how much rain, hail, or snow was observed in your backyard or schoolyard by joining the program. If you would like to contribute valuable precipitation information unique to your location, then this program is for you!

Observers record precipitation information using the recommended 4 inch rain gauge and enter their observations onto the CoCoRaHS webpage. This program will help a variety of users view and study the variability of precipitation across North Carolina. The accumulated precipitation data will be available to anyone using the web. Become a piece of the meteorological puzzle and join the other 10,000 plus volunteers from across the nation by becoming a CoCoRaHS observer.

Please visit the CoCoRaHS website to learn more about the program. You can click on the "Join CoCoRaHS" link to become an observer. Then go through the on-line training or attend a training class to be on your way to become a part of the meteorological community.

Is training available?

Your local NWS office provides training sessions as the need becomes available. For information on upcomming training sessions see below. Training sessions normally last between an hour and an hour and a half, and are provided for nearly all of Eastern NC. Online training is also available. See the national CoCoRaHS training webpage for online instructional documents. For information on CoCoRaHS programs in neighboring offices see:Raleigh, NC (Central)Wilmington, NC (Southeast), and Wakefield, VA (Northeast).

Upcoming Training Events

No training classes scheduled


How do I get more information?

If you have any questions please contact:
David Glenn - NC State Coordinator, or 
Charlie Bowen - Eastern NC Regional Coordinator


Click Here for the Latest CoCoRaHS Reports



Thanks for your interest in CoCoRaHS!!
Because Every Drop Counts!